
Google Maps are King

If you have a business of basically any kind Google maps are where you need to be. Right now if you search for a keyword in Google related to your business you’ll most likely see in this order:

  1. 2 – 3 Sponsored listings through Google Adwords
  2. Next Google Map Sponsored Listings
  3. Next Google Map Listings
  4. Next Suggested Search Terms
  5. Last Organic Listings in Google dominated by Youtube Videos

As Google has evolved they have pushed local businesses into map listings that dominate over video and organic searches.

What this means for your business is that traditional SEO of building backlinks and chasing rankings is about dead. There are some instances like blogs and info pages that it still works for, but small businesses not anymore.

If your SEO company is still building backlinks you need to give us a call. Unless you are shooting for the top 3 in Google maps you aren’t going to have much if any online growth in the coming years.